苏妈清唱儿歌:I Touch Your Little Nose

苏妈清唱儿歌:I Touch Your Little Nose

2016-09-28    00'22''

主播: 小小苏绘本

30051 783

歌词如下,大家也可以在家和宝宝玩起来: I touch your little nose(摸宝宝鼻子) I touch your little toes(摸宝宝脚趾头) I touch your little tummy (摸宝宝肚子) where the watermelon grows My arms go low (双臂向下) My arms go high(双臂上扬) A great big hug to say goodbye (拥抱宝宝)
上一期: Guess How Much I Love You
下一期: Noah's Ark