PLATYPUS The sun is setting. Many animals are going to sleep. But the platypus is just waking up. Splash! The platypus dives under the water. She twists and twirls. She spins and swoops. The platypus likes to play. The platypus is hungry. She scoops up a mouthful of bugs and worms. Yum! The platypus has thick, slick fur. She has a long, strong tail like a beaver. She is about as long as a pet cat. But she is not as heavy. The platypus has webbed feet and a bill like a duck. She lays eggs, too. But is she a bird? No. The platypus is a mammal. People are mammals, too. The platypus digs a tunnel in the mud. Then she gathers grass and leaves from the riverbank. She is making a nest. The platypus lays two eggs in the nest. They are about the size of gumballs. She snuggles the eggs between her tail and belly . Shhhh! The platypus is taking a nap. She sleeps during the day. Uh-oh! The platypus wakes up. She hears a noise. A snake is in her tunnel! It wants to eat her eggs. S-s-s-s! The snake hisses. Grrrr! The. Platypus growls. Are they going to fight? No. The platypus scares off the snake. It slithers away to find food somewhere else. The platypus eggs are safe for now. The eggs hatch in about Wei weeks. The tiny platypus babies drink their mom's milk. They stay in the tunnel for four months until they are bigger. Now it is summer. The babies follow their mother out of the tunnel. They are hungry. But they cannot find food until they learn to swim. The platypus mom shows her babies how to swim. Her front feet push through the water. She steers with her back feet an tail. Then they learn how to get food. They use their bills like big spoons. Swoosh! The platypus babies are good swimmers now. They zip and zoom all night long. The platypus family loves to play! How about you?
上一期: Sleepover
下一期: Biscuit's Big Friend