91 大地借助于绿草,显出她自己的殷勤好客。 The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass. 92 绿叶的生与死乃是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子乃是在天上 繁星之间徐缓的转动。 The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. 93 权势对世界说道:“你是我的。” 世界便把权势囚禁在她的宝座下面。 爱情对世界说道:“我是你的。” 世界便给予爱情以在它屋内来往的自由。 Power said to the world, "You are mine." The world kept it prisoner on her throne. Love said to the world, "I am thine." The world gave it the freedom of her house. 94 浓雾仿佛是大地的愿望。 它藏起了太阳,而太阳原是她所呼求的。 The mist is like the earth's desire. It hides the sun for whom she cries. 95 安静些吧,我的心,这些大树都是祈祷者呀。 Be still, my heart, these great trees are prayers.
上一期: 飞鸟集82-86