纹银香囊的前世今生 唐玄宗与杨贵妃的爱情故事就如这香囊,历经千年从未消淡 九重城阙烟尘生,千乘万骑西南行。 翠华摇摇行复止,西出都门百余里。 六军不发无奈何,宛转蛾眉马前死。 祸乱继起,兵革不息,民坠涂炭,无所控诉,人烟断绝,千里萧条 安史之乱,整个唐朝经历着前所未有的浩劫 在战争面前,人 是平等的所有人都不知道什么时候会离开这眷恋的尘世,即使是身份高贵的皇帝 也一样。  叛兵势盛,潼并失守。玄宗和后宫妃子西奔巴蜀。走到马嵬坡,大军忽然停下,黄沙土道只留这一句空中作响 “乞陛下割恩忍断,以宁国家。” 六军意思很明确,杨玉环必须死 玄宗在行宫外不知徜徉了多久,后来也不知道是如何走进行宫。玄宗脸色苍白,什么都不用说,玉环一切都明白了。她知道,她已成众矢之的,今天就是自己的末日。 花钿委地无人收,翠翘金雀玉搔头。 君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流。 “贵妇娘娘!贵妃娘娘!这局势所逼,皇上也没办法啊!皇上让小的告诉您他送给您的奇珍异宝您都带上,今后 今后他能认出来你来” 看着眼前低匐哭泣的高力士,环顾马嵬坡,这萧瑟秋风黄土尘埃就是自己了结的地方了 “呵,今后?你说今后?没想到陪我到最后的只有这香囊…” “贵妃娘娘,皇上说他送给你的香囊你都带着,到了阴间凭着香味儿找 到 您” 梨花落,春入泥。此生只为一人去。道他君王情也痴,情也痴。天生丽质难自弃。长恨一曲千古迷 回环曲折剑阁古道上只留这一行车队的影迹。峨眉山下行人稀少,旌旗无色,日月无光。 黄沙与血泪和在一起只从精美的裙襟中依稀可辨认这死去的 不是寻常女子。 一地血污,这香囊的余香仍哀转 香气四溢绕悬梁,梦回千年见盛唐 汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得。 杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识。 天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 彼时初遇 唐明皇爱上了这个一颦一笑倾国倾城的女子,不顾身份代价将她夺来据为己有。 华清宫内琼楼玉宇清风过处乐曲飘向四方,玄宗为她写下《霓裳羽衣曲》笙歌曼舞 管弦醉人,君王终日观看却百看不厌, 从此君王 不上朝 三郎,你可曾还记得那日梨园,你赠我这香囊,助我舞佩,这曲仍是羽衣曲,这人却阴阳相隔了 夕殿萤飞思悄然,孤灯挑尽未成眠。 迟迟钟鼓初长夜,耿耿星河欲曙天。 鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重,翡翠衾寒谁与共。 悠悠生死别经年,魂魄不曾来入梦。 晚上宫殿中流萤飞舞,孤灯油尽君王仍难以入睡。细数迟迟钟鼓声,“咚,咚”敲中的不是鼓面更是人心,鼓声在寂静的傍晚无人回应。唐玄宗心痛难忍问上一句“阴阳相隔已一年,为何你从未在我梦里来过?” 一年之后,玄宗重返长安,令亲信重返马嵬坡提杨贵妃收尸,却只得九字: “肌肤已坏,而香囊犹在。 In the 3rd century AD, the Roman empire was in full crisis and the people rebelled. The aristocracy, in order to maintain its rule, violently suppressed the people and christians. There was a Christian valentine jailed. In prison, he moved the warden's daughter with open heart. They loved each other, and the ruling class ordered him to be executed.Before his death, he wrote a long note to the warden's daughter to show that he was innocent. It was a sign of his open mind and his deep attachment to the warden's daughter. He was put to death, and later, christians to commemorate valentine for justice,for pure love and sacrifice themselves, will be "valentine's day". Chinese people of the pursuit of good love can share from the history of the Tang Dynasty. This is a about love, romance and flowers festival also in the far east have a romantic country, Chinese sons and daughters of the pursuit of good love can share from the history of the tang dynasty the emperor love beauty, he and Yang's love for thousands of years. So-called greatest woe but we only know how love Yang to all of her favorite thing in the world, and the fresh lychee, thousands of miles from home, only to see the palace of the boon conjugal love long long time, but don't know if Yang when one person in the house alone drinking deserve it, and in the face of numerous concubines, a woman to deserve this, but just to stay with a man, the later tang dynasty to the empire in the form of the crisis, give a white silk let Yang in Ma Wei slope suicide, a beauty so disappeared in the world. 1.6于玥