美国小学阅读 Cockroaches

美国小学阅读 Cockroaches

2016-04-05    04'22''

主播: Zoe的美国学习之路

339 8

Cockroaches Are Insects Cockroaches are insects. Insects have a head and two body parts. Insects have six legs, too. Basic Needs of Cockroaches Cockroaches have basic needs like other insects. Basic needs include food, water, and air. Air Cockroaches can meet one basic need without a head! Cockroaches can breathe through their sides. Food Cockroaches do not need to eat every day. Cockroaches cannot eat without a head. Water Cockroaches do not need to drink every day. Cockroaches cannot drink without a head. Staying Alive Cockroaches can live for a while without eating. Cockroaches can live for a while without drinking, too. Cockroaches need to eat, drink and breathe to meet their basic needs. Cockroaches cannot live if these basic needs are not all met. Cockroach Pests Only a few cockroaches are pests. Cockroaches that are pests can be trouble for people. What Do You Think? Many people think of cockroaches only as pests. Cockroaches can be amazing, too. Cockroaches can live without a head! Are cockroaches amazing or pests?