美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Maria's Family Celebration

美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Maria's Family Celebration

2016-04-29    06'13''

主播: Zoe的美国学习之路

141 6

It is Mexican Independence Day! Maria and Luis are getting ready for a big party. “We can decorate the house,” says Maria. “Let's paint a picture of our family.” “Mama was born first. She is the oldest,” says Maria. “Papa was born second,” Maria says. “He is one year younger.” “Next is Emily,” says Maria. “She is Mama and Papa's first child.” “After Emily, you were born,” says Luis. “That's right!” says Maria. “I am Mama and Papa's second child.” “What about me!” asks Luis. “You were the last to be born,” says Maria. “You are the youngest.” “There!” says Maria. “Our family picture is done!” “Green, white, and red are the colors of the Mexican flag,” says Maria. Maria and Luis blow up five green balloons. The blow up five white balloons and five read balloons, too. “I'm out of breath!” says Luis. “Let's see,” says Maria. “We painted a picture first. We blew up balloons second. The third thing we can do is fill the piñata.” Maria gets the striped fish piñata from the shelf. Maria and Luis stuff the piñata with candy. piñata - 源自墨西哥的传统。是用硬纸糊成的,做成各种形状的容器,体积比较大。在各种庆典的场合,把装满糖果的 piñata挂起来,让孩子们蒙上眼睛用棍子击打。打破后糖果掉下来,孩子们蜂拥而上抢糖果。 美国有很多墨西哥的移民,在这个国家西班牙语和拉美文化有比较深的根基。很多美国人都会说一些特别简单的基本西班牙语词汇。比如这里出现的abuela就是西班牙语里外婆,奶奶的意思。 When Luis thinks Maria isn't looking, he pops a piece of candy into his mouth. Maria gives him a hug. “You are silly,” she says. Papa hangs the piñata. “We need a blindfold,” says Maria. “We need a stick to break the piñata, too.” Abuela (奶奶)finds a red-checked scarf for Maria and a long stick for Luis. “The piñata is ready!” says Maria. “The fourth thing to do is practice dancing, Luis!” Maria and Luis dress in their party clothes. Then, they dance and spin. Soon the house fills up with food, family, and music. There are six cousins, two aunts, three uncles, and three grandparents. There is Papa, Mama, Emily, Maria and Luis, too. “There is one last thing we can do,” Maria says. “And it's the most fun!” “What is it?” asks Luis. “CELEBRATE!” says Maria.