deep spring

deep spring

2016-08-17    02'39''

主播: 儿童英语

10 1

There once was a daisy... who lived by a river... next to a small cottage. Every day a girl from the cottage water the daisy. Life was sweet and easy for the daisy. One day the girl did not come to water the flower. The little cottage was empty. The daisy became very worried. Where would she get water from? She thought hard as a petal fell. "The river!" , she exclaimed. It had been there all along. She began to grow in the direction of the river. It was very difficult. The wind picked her up like a kite. The flower could see the river but could not reach it. She pulled herself back to earth...she closed her eyes...and thought deeply. Her deep thinking gave her an idea. She would grow her roots. Her roots grew deeply. She savored the cool water from deep below. With each passing day, the daisy grew stronger. And she flourished. The end. Sleep tight everyone!
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