Brother  Robot

Brother Robot

2016-08-30    02'07''

主播: 儿童英语

9 1

Hi! Good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian's bedtime stories. I'm Teacher Andy. Tonight, we'll read a story entitled "My Brother The Robot" by David Lumerman Shared by Are you ready? Let's read. I have a little brother. He is brand new. He doesn't do much more than spit up. I didn't know what to do. Now he's getting older, soon he will be able to play. But right now all he does is spit up. How long will he stay this way? Mommy says to watch and protect him, from lots of bruises and bumps. But sometimes when he spits up I want to give him lumps. I love my little brother. He's part of our new family. We play and run around and he spits up on me. The end. Sleep tight everyone!
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