Hi, good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian’s bedtime stories. I am teacher Andy. Tonight, we’ll read a story entitled " Playtime" by Sanjiv Jaiswal Sanjay . Shared by storyweaver.com Are you ready? Let’s read. The little elephant's name was Golu. He was as round as a drum. The little rabbit was called Chhotu. He looked like a ball of cotton. They played together. One day, Golu said, "Let's play a new game today." "You sit down. I'll land on your back in one flying leap." said Chhotu. Golu sat down. Chhotu took a mighty leap. Thump! He landed on Golu's back. "Wow!", laughed Golu and said, "My turn now. You sit down and I leap on your back." "You!" "Yes, me." "How can you do that?" asked Chhotu "Like this!" Golu showed him. Thud...Thud...Thud... A shower of coconuts came down on Golu's head. He ran away on fat legs, scared. One small coconut fell on Chhotu. "That's better," thought Chhotu, "Better a coconut than an elephant on my head!" The End. Sleep tight everyone!
上一期: Happy and sad
下一期: Baby