Hi everyone! I'm Teacher Ray Welcome to Tian Tian's Bedtime Stories Our story for tonight is entitled KoleCat, My Story by KoleCat from Storybird.com Are you ready? Let's read! My name is Kole. This is my family, Billy, Ginny, and me. Sometimes I get into mischief. Sometimes I make mistakes, Sometimes I don't play nicely with others. But sometimes I really do. :) I like to invent things, secret potions. Or be like a magician, and make bunnies jump out of a hat. I've even learned to play the guitar LOUDLY But NOT everyone likes that! But Most of all I like being with my family. They love me no matter what. The end I hope you like the story. Good night little young ones.
上一期: Dogs
下一期: The Red Raincoat