News Carnival-方缘 周爽

News Carnival-方缘 周爽

2017-03-21    12'36''

主播: 南昌大学英文广播电台

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B&N: Hello everyone. This is Radio NCU. B: I’m Betty. N: I’m Nicole. We are so glad to meet you all here again. B: Maybe you are wondering where is Mofa, then we are here to tell you with great regret that Mofa was taken away by Mofa. And she will never appear again. N: So this semester we two are going to bring you many interesting news as before. B: Everything has not changed except Mofa. N: This time we’re going to present you with 6 pieces of news. 1. Dolphins move to new home via flight B: Seven bottlenose dolphins are transported from Japan's Osaka to Shijiazhuang in North China's Hebei province by air on March 6, 2017. It is the first time for the province to transport marine mammals via cargo flight. B: Have you ever been to the zoo of Nanchang? N: Hum, yes. B: So did you go to see the dolphins? N: Dolphins? B: Yes, I mean the show. N: No. I intended to but I couldn’t. B: Why? N: There are so many people and I couldn’t get in. B: I see……the dolphins are quite smart. N: I know that. B: I tried to take a photo with them but a lot of people again. N: That’s terrible. B: I really want to be a dolphin. Eat and play, being loved by so many people. N: Again……why are you still lazy just like before? B: I am? N: Of course you are. B: Keeping it a secret will be better for both of us…… N: Okay. 2. A website pretends Hillary had won the election N: A satirical news website is offering depressed Hillary Clinton supporters a safe space where they can pretend she won the presidential election. The website, brands itself as "News from the real America where the majority rules". "In the midst of a Constitutional crisis, this is our response. Long live the true president, Hillary Rodham Clinton," reads the site's information page. The site has drawn Ire from conservatives, including sites such as Breitbart which bashed it as a" refuge from reality". B:In my opinion, Hillary is really an admirable woman. N:Yeah, she is brave enough to do what she wants to do. B:Though she has some discrimination about China, but she is really a good politician. N:Yeah, I also admire her very much. To some extent, I even believe that if Hillary had won the election, she would be better than Trump. B:Eh… I do agree with you. But the fact is that Trump wins. Just wish him good luck then. N:Yeah. 3. THAAD deployment in S. Korea begins with arrival of part of battery amid protest B: The deployment of a US missile shield in South Korea has begun with the arrival of a part of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense battery. A South Korean defense ministry official told Xinhua that two mobile launchers and a part of other equipments of the THAAD battery arrived in the Osan Air Base, about 70 km south of the capital Seoul, at Monday night. The first elements of the US anti-missile system were transported by the US C-17 transport aircraft, and moved to an unidentified military base of the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK). THAAD is composed of six mobile launchers, 48 interceptors, X-band radar and the fire and control unit. THAAD's X-band radar can peer deep into territories of China and Russia, causing strong backlashes from the two countries. The US missile shield breaks strategic balance and damages the security interests of the two nations. The residents have held candlelight rallies every night since the THAAD deployment decision. Local media speculations said the THAAD deployment would be completed in April or May. The deployment date is advanced from speculations on sometime between June and August. Other equipments, troops and engineers necessary for the THAAD battery in South Korea would be transported in a gradual manner. The South Korean defense ministry said the THAAD system will be deployed in the Seongju golf course through relevant procedures. To accelerate the processes, the South Korean military reportedly planned to implement two or more procedures simultaneously. 4. Remove all tours to South Korea! Beijing is banning Chinese tour groups from visiting South Korea, the latest retaliation against the planned Korean deployment of the US-built Thaad missile shield, according to two people with knowledge of the plans。 Wang Ki-young, a director at South Korea’s culture ministry, said on Friday that Chinese authorities had ordered tourism agencies in Beijing to halt tours to South Korea from mid-March. Mr. Wang said the move would be expanded to other provinces. Meanwhile, a salesman from online travel company told the Financial Times that it had on Friday “removed all tours to South Korea due to the Thaad issue”. A search for South Korean tours on the website returns the message: “Sorry, we have not found a relevant product.” B:It is really a pity that China and South Korea become enemies. N: Yeah, it is a great loss to both countries. B:To be honest, south Korea ‘s behavior really annoys me. N:I can’t agree with you more. B:So maybe we should do something to support our country. N: Yeah, we should find a proper way to support our country . 5. Father 'severs parental relationship' with son in public letter A Chinese father's letter to his post-90s son to "end their father-son relationship" and become "brothers" has sparked controversy and prompted people to reflect on their relationship with their parents. In the letter, the father first recalled the intimate moments he and his son shared when he was a child. As the boy grew older, communication between father and son became less and less, the father said in the letter. The father said that he tried to walk into the world of his son by acquainting himself with things the post-90s are interested in. He came to know the websites and video games they like and the popular stars they are obsessed with. "In my eyes, our relationship should be like brothers, hand in hand and doing great things together." The generation gap might be hard to bridge. However, if a father tries to understand the world of his son and communicate with him, the "gap" is only a piece of paper to be poked through, the article said. B: How’s your relationship with your father? N: I don’t know how to describe that……He is very kind, but I tends to talk more with my mother. B: Well, maybe it’s because you are a girl. N: Yeah, I seem to have more things that I can talk to my mother. What about you. B: Hum……My father is a strict man and I was kind of afraid of him when I was in my childhood. So even now I seldom talk to him. N: I think you could try to communicate with him. So should I. B: Maybe. 6. France elect Obama president N:Could France elect Barack Obama president? Not really -- but that's not stopping the organizers ofObama17, a guerrilla campaign trying to entice the former U.S. president to head to Paris. "It's totally crazy, but the cool thing is that once you get past that, you start thinking that maybe it's possible. Who cares that he's not French? He's Barack Obama," one of the campaign organizers told CNN. They've launched a website and they put up 500 posters of Obama around Paris last weekend, said the organizer. They're hoping to get 1 million people to sign a petition urging Obama to run. Yes, it's a joke, he admits -- but one with a serious purpose. "We want to show that people are fed up with the politicians here." he said. B:Oh, I just can’t believe this when I first heard the news. N:Me too! It is so unbelievable! B:Obama is the first black man to be the president of the US, isn’t he? N:Yeah, his come into power is meaningful. He is really remarkable. B:His talent really stands out. N:He is an excellent president. B:Some of his speech is really impressive. N:Yeah, I can’t agree with you more. He is really a perfect speaker. B&N: That’s all for today. Thank you for listening. See you next time.