最容易弄错的10个单词 - 乐腾 肖雨

最容易弄错的10个单词 - 乐腾 肖雨

2017-03-22    16'07''

主播: 南昌大学英文广播电台

66 2

1. Effect Does not mean: To cause or to induce something to happen, like change Does mean: The outcome of a cause, like a “Cause and Effect” situation This is a very common student mistake. You should never, under any circumstances, use “effect” as a verb. It’s a noun. You want to say “effect” after you take a pill and you want to know all the funny side things that happen after. The pill was the cause, the drowsiness is the effect. If you want to be a cause and “affect” change, use that “a” at the beginning instead. 2. Disinterested Does not mean: Uninterested, as in “bored” by the outcome or something Does mean: Impartial, not influenced by the outcome of something. “Uninterested” and “disinterested” are commonly used as synonyms to indicate one’s boredom. However, disinterested instead indicates an emotional and moral distance from events. It’s not that you are bored by them. It’s that you have zero stake in what’s happening, so why does it matter to you? For instance, I’m not bored by the Kardashians; they’re rarely ever boring. However, I am profoundly disinterested in their existence. 3. Instant Does not mean: Very quickly, with lightning speed Does mean: A specific point in time. Although “Google Instant” and “instant” coffee beg to differ, the popular use of instant commonly diverges from its intended meaning. “Instant” originally meant a very tiny fraction of time, a moment so minute it was practically infinitesimal. However, the idea of smallness here was carried over to its more common meaning, the rsmall amount of time by which something is done or prepared. Most dictionaries now recognize both uses. 4. Irregardless Does not mean: Regardless Does mean: Nothing, because it’s not a real word As covered in one of my previous posts, “irregardless” is a commonly misused word with no real meaning at all. Although used interchangeably with the proper “regardless,” the superfluous prefix “ir” adds nothing to the word. The “less” suffix already negates one’s regard, making the ir- unnecessary. However, it does make for a choice Mean Girls reference, so if that’s why you’re using it, carry on. I shan’t get in the way of Tina Fey. 5. Enormity Does not mean: Enormousness Does mean: A profoundly evil or immoral act Susan Sontag once gave us a great example of the intended use of “enormity” when she talked about the “enormity of state power,” meaning a great evil or abuse. A fun indication of how not to use it comes from George W. Bush, America’s favorite president-cum-nude painter. When he was voted into office, Dubya remarked that he “couldn’t believe the enormity” of the situation. He’s a pretty great example of how not to use the English language, ever. 6. Chronic Does not mean: Severe or intense Does mean: A condition or state that lasts for a protracted period Do your have “chronic” neck pains or a “chronic” illness? Then you better get used to it, because the original definition of chronic indicates that malady will be hanging around for a while. “Chronic” refers to things that are long-lived, and a chronic illness might be Scarlet Fever or tuberculosis — that kind of shit you that won’t go away. Americans in the audience, aren’t you glad you don’t have to deal with TB anymore? 7. I.E. Does not mean: For example Does mean: In other words Everyone seems to use i.e. to refer to a parenthetical example, but you should actually use e.g. instead. For instance, if you were referring to one of the many illnesses we no longer have to worry about, you would say, “Man, I’m glad I don’t have to worry about those Medieval ailments (e.g. the Bubonic plague)!” I.e. is best used to mean “in other words,” coming from the Latin for “that is.” So if Buster Bluth were talking about his onetime girlfriend, Starla, he might say: “Starla (i.e. ‘that whore’).” 8. Ultimate Does not mean: The pinnacle or the best Does mean: The final entry in a list of items Easy way to remember this: The word “penultimate” means next to the last, not next to the best. Thus, if you take the prefix off, it simply means “the last” — but not necessarily the best. So if you want to have the ultimate sex, you better beware because you might not be ever having sex again. George, watch out for that oncoming bus. 9. Terrific Used today as: Awesome Originally meant: Inspiring fear The word originally came from “terror” and “terrifying” — but no one ever uses it that way today. The meaning changed over time, and most of the old usage has been wiped out. However, you can see where the new meaning comes from. If something is truly terrifying, that likely means its awesome “awesome” (also meaning worthy of or inspiring “awe”). Say you saw Godzilla. He would both be awesome and terrifying, and you would likely be dead. Those are some big ass feet. 10 . Literally Should not be used: To indicate strong emphasis (like the German “doch”) or as a way to comment on something that did not happen in reality but occurred figuratively Should be used: To indicate that something actually happened This is a very commonly known misused word, so much so that I feel like we shouldn’t even have to cover it. But I won’t pass up a great Parks and Recreation reference. Chris Traeger uses “literally” to commonly indicate his enthusiasm for things. For instance, he says about Leslie: “Leslie Knope is literally overflowing with ideas for this town.” He does not mean that, in real life, she’s overflowing with ideas. That sounds messy. It’s figurative. Also, Ann Perkins’ Inbox isn’t completely full of penises, which would be difficult because there’s a lot of storage up in there, but she did get sent a whole lot of dick pics. Some girls have all the luck.