Our werid roommates -  汤凯雄 朱易寒凌

Our werid roommates - 汤凯雄 朱易寒凌

2017-10-25    07'51''

主播: 南昌大学英文广播电台

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Our weird roommates BGM: 1. A little story — Valentin 2. Hello — OMFG B: I’m babala major in Deutsch. V: I’m victor, major in translation. 1. Deutsch 德语(德语单词辣) 2. weird a.怪异的 weirdo n.奇葩 3.“ Things go crisscross” 事与愿违 4. totally opposite!完全相反 5. replace the dormitory 更换宿舍 6. break up 分手 7. cut in 插入 8. ridiculous a.荒谬可笑的 9. abruptly ad.突然地 10. From my perspective, it’s a really radical and unreasonable way to cope with the problem. 在我看来这是种激进非理智的方法去处理问题。 11. drawback n. 缺点 12. sort out sundry 收拾杂物 13. They never cast you down 从未让你失望 never flee when you are in trouble 从未逃离 never betray you. 从未背叛 14. I start to enjoy this weird atmosphere, and it brings much happiness that i never possess before. 我开始享受这种氛围,这给我带来的快乐是我不曾拥有的。 15. no matter what you do,no matter where you are,whether happy or sad,They will always be behind you and support you. 无论做什么,无论在哪,不管你是快乐还是悲伤,他们都会永远在你的背后支持你。