

2016-12-04    10'28''

主播: 锐博电台

74 2

单词 (请将单词做好单词卡,要求认识每一个单词,做好加五分。) 动物名词 deer鹿 penguin企鹅 camel骆驼 whale鲸鱼 ostrich鸵鸟 parrot鹦鹉 shark鲨鱼 其它 forest森林 ice and snow冰雪 plain平原 desert沙漠 ocean海洋 move移 breathe呼吸 stop停止 grow生长 lifetime一生 as many as和…一样多;不少于 阅读 (这是本周的语音作业,请先听老师的留言,然后自己朗读发在微信群里。每次加五分。) There are lots of animals in the world. Today, let’s talk about the sharks. Most sharks in the ocean can’t stop moving, if they do, they can’t breathe. Sharks grow new teeth every eight days. Some sharks can have as many as 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. 句型&语法 1. Where do deer live? They live in the forest. 2. stop doing … 停止做… 例:I can’t stop singing when I am happy. 每周一阅读 Mr. Hu is a teacher . He is busy every day . He often forgets(忘记) his family’s birthday . But he doesn’t forget his wife’s(妻子) birthday today . He wants to buy her a present(礼物). A big store is near his school . It sells many things. From the store, you can buy some food, some clothes...So Mr. Hu goes to the store. He wants to buy her a sweater. But the sweaters are red. His wife doesn’t like the color. At last(最后) he buy some flowers. He gets home and says, “Happy birthday ,dear. It’s October 26 today. I don’t forget your birthday .”Mrs. Hu is very happy and says , “ Thank you but my birthday is yesterday . “ ( ) 1.When is Mrs. Hu’s birthday ? A. On October 24th. B. On October 25th . C. On October 26th. D. On October 28th . ( ) 2.Why doesMr.Hu often forget his family’s birthday ? A. He doesn’t like his family. B.Many people are in his family. C. He is busy every day. D. He often doesn’t go home . ( ) 3. What color does Mrs. Hu like ? A. Red. B. Yellow. C. Green. D. We don’t know. ( ) 4. Why does Mr. Hu buy a sweater for his wife ? A. He doesn’t have enough(足够) money. B. She doesn’t like red sweaters . C. He likes flowers . D. She doesn’t need sweaters . ( ) 5. Mrs. Hu sees the flowers and she is _____. A. thinks it’s boring B. Doesn’t like the flowers C. Isn’t happy D. is very happy
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