backpack2 D11

backpack2 D11

2017-04-29    08'06''

主播: 锐博电台

176 2

内 容 本周话题:When is Easter? 新单词(请将单词做好单词卡,要求认识每一个单词,做好加五分。) 序数词 (必背) first(1st)第一 second(2nd)第二 third(3rd)第三 fourth(4th)第四 fifth(5th)第五twelfth(12th)第十二 twentieth(20th)第二十 twenty-first(21st)第二十一 thirtieth(30th)第三十 节日 Easter复活节 Children’s Day六一儿童节 April Fool’s Day愚人节 New Year’s Day新年;元旦 China’s National Day国庆节 其他 special特别的 对话 (这是本周的语音作业,请先听老师的留言,然后自己朗读发在微信群里。) A:There are some special days in April. B: What are they? A:April Fool’s Day and Easter. B: When is April Fool’s Day? A: It’s on April 1st. B: And Easter? A: It’s on April 5th this year. B: Wow! I love April. 重点句型 1.--When is April Fool’s Day? --It’s on April 1st. 2.--When is your birthday? --My birthday is on April 4th. 背一背 背诵序数词