backpack2 D14

backpack2 D14

2017-05-21    09'26''

主播: 锐博电台

1203 3

内 容 第8单元话题:Animals 新单词 动物 giraffe(长颈鹿) lion(狮子) hippo(河马) peacock(孔雀) polar bear(北极熊) 形容词 strong(强壮的) short(短的,矮的) tall(高的) long(长的) sharp(锋利的) soft(软的) big(大的) small(小的) 身 体 部 位 neck(脖子) teeth(牙齿) mouth(嘴巴) feather(羽毛) tail(尾巴) 其他 its它的 their他们的 句型语法 -What does the lion look like? -It’s strong. 阅读 (这是本周的语音作业,请先听老师发的电台,然后朗读在微信群里。每次加五分。) I like animals. I often go to the zoo. Look!There are giraffes. They are tall. Their necks are long. And that is a lion. It is strong. Its teeth are sharp. What’ s that? It’s a peacock. Its feathers are soft.And the polar bears are big. Their tails are short. Look at that hippo. It’s short. Its mouth is big. 一、阅读短文,回答下列问题。1.Do you like animals? ___________________. 2.How many animals do you see in the zoo? ___________________. 3.What do the giraffes look like? ___________________. 4.Who has a big mouth? ___________________. 5.Whose(谁的) feathers are soft? ___________________. 听&读&背诵 背诵本周阅读,听课本第87页,把87页的的3题做起来吧。