因乐成瘾025 - No One Was Saved

因乐成瘾025 - No One Was Saved

2016-06-28    61'44''

主播: Ronez

424 20

因乐成瘾025 - No One Was Saved Tracklist: 01.Talib Kweli & HiTek - Ghetto Afterlife (feat. Kool G Rap) 02.Talib Kweli & HiTek - This Means You (feat. Mos Def) 03.森高千里 - NEW SEASON 04.森高千里 - ピリオド 05.鸣海杏子 - 空色モノローグ 06.Lemon Pipers - Rice Is Nice 07.Lemon Pipers - Green Tambourine 08.Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her - It's Brand New 09.Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her - A Shotgun & Me 10.Akito - LOVE NUGGET 11.Akito - TEARS OF ENAMEL 12.Akito - MADONNA 49 13.Vanilla Fudge - Bang Bang 14.Vanilla Fudge - Eleanor Rigby NJ: RONEZ 森高千里,1969年4月11日于熊本县出生。她在18岁时以“NEW SEASON”正式出道,由于其美貌与极修长的美腿,故初期森高达走偶像路线,她的绰号‘美腿小姐’ 更是为人所称道。后来逐渐参与唱片的幕后制作,渐渐转型成为一个既是实力派、亦是偶像派的歌手。96年她与演员江口洋介传出绯闻,四年后因怀孕而闪电入籍。生产后,森高千里只曾为商品拍摄广告,2002年现在第二度怀孕的她,其实已处于退休状态。 没有人会质疑Girl Pop在日本乐界的影响力,由于卡拉OK在90年代的渗透度极广,使得同性相拒的定律不能发挥在高中女生身上,因此,偶像出身的女歌手往往比男的更为有利。80年代的中森明菜、松田圣子、工藤静香与小泉今日子等都是佼佼者。然而,进入90年代,偶像们必须“自我增值”,即使自己的音乐知识没有增加,靠有力之士也是常见的现象。但不少偶像却宁愿“舍易取难”,向实力歌手之路进发。像中山美穗那样开始创作乐曲,究竟不能完全脱离偶像的行列(当然她们也不愿意脱离)。因此,可能最后完全转型的,只剩下极少数,而在‘イカ天’中的超级偶像森高千里的成功就是少数例子之一。 忘记烦忧是森高作曲的最大本领,除了“气分爽快”、“素敌诞生日”等直接爽快的歌词(初期ZARD的阪井泉水的词作也倾向这轻松直接的方向),而且她亦可被称为“旅行性”甚高的作词人∶在“Rock and Roll县厅所在地”中写出了在日本各地的地方、地名及有名的食品、而“渡良濑桥”、“私の夏”、“夏の日”、“风に吹かれて”皆以旅行的心情作为词作的主旨,而旅行就正是现代人忘记工作上的烦恼的最好方法之一。森高亦素来喜爱入厨,所以一些歌曲像以上所说的“素敌诞生日”、“Rock Omelet”亦以制作料理为主题。 当年森高能够获得Pocari的Image Girl比赛的冠军,或许就是她那乐观的个性深受评审赏识。而森高千里在90年代初大受欢迎,她那乐观的性格及使人精神的歌词,令得泡沫经济爆破后失业或破产的人士得到一些安慰。 Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her was a Japanese band formed by Aiha Higurashi in 1992. Their musical style contained elements of indie rock, experimental rock and, to a lesser extent, Shibuya-kei. Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her was formed in 1992 by Aiha Higurashi. Beginning as a two-girl band in New York City with her friend Sachiko Ito, it wasn't until after they had played a few shows that the band got its name, which was lifted from a track by the same name on British new wave pioneer XTC's The Big Express.[1] Aiha returned to Tokyo solo in 1994 where she enlisted bassist and vocalist Nao Koyama and drummer Takaharu Karashima (a.k.a. Takape). Takaharu "Takape" Karashima left the band after recording Pretty In Pink in 1999. Vanilla Fudge专辑介绍:by Paul Collins In a debut consisting of covers, nobody could accuse Vanilla Fudge of bad taste in their repertoire; with stoned-out, slowed-down versions of such then-recent classics as "Ticket to Ride," "Eleanor Rigby," and "People Get Ready," they were setting the bar rather high for themselves. Even the one suspect choice -- Sonny Bono's "Bang Bang" -- turns out to be rivaled only by Mott the Hoople's version of "Laugh at Me" in putting Bono's songwriting in the kindest possible light. Most of the tracks here share a common structure of a disjointed warm-up jam, a Hammond-heavy dirge of harmonized vocals at the center, and a final flat-out jam. Still, some succeed better than others: "You Keep Me Hanging On" has a wonderfully hammered-out drum part, and "She's Not There" boasts some truly groovy organ jams. While the pattern can sound repetitive today, each song still works as a time capsule of American psychedelia.