🌟🌟4.26 MR Joy-美文欣赏-25前一定要做的事5-8

🌟🌟4.26 MR Joy-美文欣赏-25前一定要做的事5-8

2016-04-25    05'02''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

130 5

25岁前一定要尝试的25件事 5-8 New words: conversation [kɑ:nvər’seɪʃn] n. 对话 faith [feθ] n. 信仰 belief [bɪ’lif] n. 信念 own [‘əʊn] n. 自己所有物 realize [riə’laɪz] v. 意识到 regardless [rɪ’gɑ:rdləs] adv. 无论如何 appearance[ə’pɪrəns] n. 外表 vote [‘vəʊt] n.&v. 投票权、投票 complain [kəm’plen] v. 抱怨 democratic [demə’krætɪk] adj. 民主的 express [ɪk’spres] v. 表达 dye [‘daɪ] v. 染色 5. Spend the Whole Weekend Partying.  来个没日没夜的周末大派对 Doing an “all weekender” can be more difficult as you get older and have more responsibilities—it’s a great experience to try!  年纪越大、责任越多,从而“没日没夜地玩”就变成了件很难实现的事。但这非常值得一试! 6. Have a Good Conversation [kɑ:nvər’seɪʃn] with Someone of a Different Faith [feθ] or Belief [bɪ’lif] to Your Own [‘əʊn].  和与你信仰不同的人好好聊聊天 Conversations like this helps us realize [riə’laɪz] we’re not so different to other people, regardless [rɪ’gɑ:rdləs] of appearances[ə’pɪrəns].  这样的聊天能让我们意识到:无论表象如何,我们与别人其实并没有不同。 7. Vote [‘vəʊt].  去投票 Have your say on how your home country is run. We really can’t complain [kəm’plen] if we have the democratic [demə’krætɪk] right to express [ɪk’spres] our views, but don’t do so.  我的祖国应该怎样治理?你有发言权。拥有发表意见的民主权,不失为一种幸福,珍惜吧。 8. Dye [‘daɪ] Your Hair a Completely Different Color.  把头发染成以前从没尝试过的颜色 Or change your hairstyle. One change that can make you feel like a different person.  或者彻底改变发型。一个小小的改变,会让你觉得自己焕然一新!