MR 买化妆品 2-15 linda

MR 买化妆品 2-15 linda

2016-02-14    03'02''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

106 9

BUY SOME CREAM night cream:晚霜 masque:面膜 promote:促销 推销 renew;新生 再生 mascara:睫毛膏 moisturizing lotion:保湿乳液 hairspray:喷发定型剂 cosmetic:化妆品 A: Hi, there. Look at these. I have collected some ads here. There is a special promotion for Mother's Day this weekend. 嗨,你看,我这收集了一些广告,这个周末有个母亲节的特惠活动。 B: Oh, yes. Mother's Day is coming. Do you plan to buy anything? 哦,对啊!母亲节快到了。你准备要买些什么? A: Of course. I want to buy some night cream for my mom, and some masques for myself. 当然。我想帮妈妈买一瓶晚霜,帮我自己买一些面膜。 B: Hmm. In Carrefour, Clinique will be promoting their visible skin renewed cream. 嗯,倩碧的“宛若新生换肤霜”在家乐福有促销活动。 A: How much is it? 多少钱呢? B: 180 yuan, and you can get a free 8 piece gift package. 180元,并可获赠一份8件试用妆的礼盒。 A: What's included in the gift package? 礼品包括了哪些东西? B: Some black mascara, moisturizing lotion, eye cream crystal lipstick, two color eye shadow pack, styling hairspray, and a cosmetics bag. 有黑色的睫毛膏、保湿乳液、晚霜、透明唇彩、双色眼影、造型护发露和一个化妆包。 A: Sounds not bad. 听起来不错嘛。