MR. Jessie 3.27 旅游口语天天练

MR. Jessie 3.27 旅游口语天天练

2016-03-26    02'46''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

216 11

1. Ask for the flight询问航班 Can I have a look at your international timetable? 我能看一下国际航班时刻表吗? Sorry. We don't have a printed one. Is there anything else l can do for you? Yes. Do you have any direct flight to Tokyo? 对不起,我们没有打印的版本。我能为您做些其他的什么吗?有没有直飞东京的航班呢? Sorry we don't. I don't think you can find any airline which offers a non-stop flight to Tokyo. What about a flight to Paris? 抱歉,我们没有。任何一家航空公司都没有一班直飞东京的班机。那有没有去巴黎的航班呢? Yes. It is really a place of interest and we have the direct flight every day.有,巴黎的确是个旅游胜地,我们每天都有直飞航班。 2. Choose the flight选择航班 Hello, need any help? 您好,需要帮忙吗? I'd like to make a reservation to Sydney on 30th Of May. 我想订一张5月30号去悉尼的机票。 Let me see. There are two flights on that day. One takes off at 11: 00 am and the other at 15:00 pm. Which one do you want? 让我查一查。我们目前有两个航班。一个是上午11点起飞,另一个是下午3点起飞,您要哪一班? I think the first one fits me. By the way, what is the time when I get there? 我觉得第一班挺适合我,顺便问下,那趟航班几点到悉尼? 2:00 the next day.明天2点。 3. So many stops. 航班中转站过多 Can you tell me if there is a flight to New York?能告诉我有去纽约的航班吗? Yes. Flight DB117 departs at 5:38 pm and arrives in New York at 6:00 am with a layover in Chicago. It also makes refueling stop at Colombia. So many stops! Don't you have any direct flights? 有的,DB117航班下午5点38分起飞,早晨6点到纽约。它过境芝加哥,并且因为加油还要在哥伦比亚停留。这么多站!有没有直达航班? Sorry sir, it is the only flight we have right now. 对不起先生,这是我们目前开通的唯一一趟航班。 4. Book an air ticket. 预订机票 Good afternoon, Pan Am. May I help you? 下午好,泛美航空公司,我能帮您忙吗? Yes. I'd like to make a reservation to New York for 18th next month. Please wait a moment. Let me check for you. The flight is FW 711 and it arrives at 10:00 am.是的。我想预订一张下个月18号去纽约的机票。请稍等,我帮您查查。我们目前有FW711航班,早晨10:00到达。 How long is that journey? 14 hours.飞机要飞多长时间?14小时。 Thank you.谢谢。