⭐⭐MR. Jessie 4.1 旅游口语天天练系列

⭐⭐MR. Jessie 4.1 旅游口语天天练系列

2016-04-01    02'49''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

123 7

1. Make a reservation for the round trip ticket. 预订往返机票 May l help you? 我能帮您什么忙吗? Yes. I would like a ticket to Pakistan. Is that a one-way or round trip? 是的,我想订一张到巴基斯坦的机票。单程票还是往返票? Round trip, please. When would you want to leave? 往返票。您什么时候走呢? I'd like to leave on Nov. 2nd and return on Nov. 21st. 我11月2号走,21号回来。 I am sorry. The flight on Nov. 21st is full. Do you mind if I put your name in the waiting list? 很抱歉,11月21号航班已经满员了。我可以将您的名字列入候补名单吗? Yes, please. Thank you. 好的,谢谢。 2. Non-direct ticket with a discount非直达打折机票 Hello! I’d like to get a seat on flight PB12 to Rome. 你好,我想订张PB12航班去罗马的机票。 Direct or non-direct? Is there any discount for a non-direct flight? 直达还是非直达航班?非直达航班有没有折扣呢? Yes. Right now it's the slack season so we will give you ten percent off. 有的,因为现在是淡季,所以我们给您打九折。 What if I buy around ticket? Can you offer me some more? 如果我买返程票的话,是不是还能更优惠点呢? Sure. You can get further discount off 5%. 当然,我们可以再给您5%的折扣 3. Go on stand-by. 加入候补名单 Walker Airline Travel Agency. May I help you? 步行者旅行社,我能帮您什么忙吗? What flight has seats available to Milan on this Sunday? 请问周日飞往米兰的航班还有座吗? I am sorry. All the seats are booked. How about next Monday? 抱歉,所有的座位都预订了。下周一的飞机行吗? Oh. My God. But I have to be there on Sunday. I want to go on stand-by. 哦,天呐,可是我必须在周日赶到那里。请把我列到候补名单中。 OK. Sir. I have added your name to the waiting list. We will call you as soon as possible. 好的,先生。我已经把您的名字列入候补名单了,我们会尽早通知您的。 Thank you.谢谢。