⭐⭐MR. Jessie 4.13 旅游口语天天练系列

⭐⭐MR. Jessie 4.13 旅游口语天天练系列

2016-04-12    02'17''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

667 12

1.旅行准备之了解天气 You don't look very well. I'm not feeling too well. I've caught a cold. 你的脸色不太好。我觉得不太舒服,我感冒了。 Is it because of the bad weather? It's been really miserable for the past few days. Hasn't it! It's been cold and windy recently. Do you like the weather here? 你是因为天气不好病了吗?这几天的天气真让人受不了。可不是嘛!最近很冷,风又大。你喜欢这儿的天气吗? Not really, but I've got used it now. Oh, I'm going for a trip New York this autumn. What's the weather like in New York? 不太喜欢,但是我已经习惯了。嗅,我秋天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样? Not quite good. It's windy and dry. We have got continental climate there. It's dry all the year round. Usually autumn is the best season of the year In New York. Is it cold in autumn there? Should I take any warm clothes with me? 天气不很好,风多又干燥。那里是大陆性气候,终年干燥。秋天通常是纽约一年中最好的季节。那儿的秋天很冷吗?我需要带很多保暖衣服吗? No, it isn't very cold at that time. You'll only need some light wool clothing with some jackets and shirts. 不用,那时不会太冷。你只需带些毛衣,加上几件外套和衬衣就行了。 2.兑换钱币 Miss Jin. Can you do me a favor? Of course I can, go ahead. 金小姐,请您帮个忙好吗?当然可以,请说。 Can you go to the Front Desk and change some money for me? All right. 您能到前台帮我换些钱吗?好的。 It's very kind of you! Thank you. Excuse me, would you please tell me the exchange rate for US. dollar today? 您太好了。谢谢您!打扰了,您可以告诉我今天美元的兑换率吗? The rate for notes is 8. 28 yuan for 1 US. dollar. Could you change some money for me? 每8.28元兑换1美元。您能给我换些钱吗? Certainly. What kind of currency have you got? Chinese Yuan. 当然。您有哪种货币?中国人民币。