MR linda -ideal jobs! 4-23 ✨✨

MR linda -ideal jobs! 4-23 ✨✨

2016-04-22    03'57''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

101 4

Ideal jobs会计师 2. assistant:助手 3. catering:餐饮业 4. construction:建筑业 5. consultant: 顾问 6. industry:工业 7. 保险:insurance 8. self-employed:个体经营的 9. freelance: 自由职业者 10: sector:部门 Dialogue C: I have a good news. 我有好消息 A; what’s that? 是 什么 C: I have an interview with an IT company on Wednesday. 周三有一家IT 公司要面试我 A: that’s fantastic. Have you prepared for the interview? 太好了 你为面试做准备了吗? C; Not really. I’ve just looked over my CV a few times. 还没有。 我只是仔细检查好几遍我的简历 A: let’s practice a few questions. 咱们来演戏几个问题 C: ok. Ask away. 好的 问吧 A: what kind of applicant do you think we are looking for at our company? 你觉得我们公司会聘用一个怎样的申请人? C: The successful applicant must be hardworking, responsible, and honest. 一个成功的申请者必须工作努力 有责任心 而且还要诚实 A: Good. what makes you think that you would be a success in this position? 好。 是什么让你觉得你可以胜任这个职位。 C: I would do well in this position because I have four years of experience working in this field, I am good at what I do, and I am easy to work with. 我觉得我可以胜任这份工作,这是因为我有4年的相关工作经验,这方面我有专长,而且我非常容易和人相处。 A: ok. what are your salary expectations? 好的。那你预期的薪水是多少? C: oh. I haven’t thought about that before. I guess I should. Well, to be honest, I don’t mind if I start with a low salary because I’m rather desperate for work right now. 哦。这个我以前没有想过。 我 是该想想。恩,老实说我不介意起薪低,因为我现在非常渴望有一份工作。 A: that might not be the best thing to say to an interviewer. you shouldn’t ask for too much or too little. 对招聘的考官这么回答说可不太好。 你说的太低或太高都不行。 C: But I have no idea how much freelance I T consultants earn. 但是我真是对自由IT 咨询师的薪水没有概念。 A: That’s something you should research before you go to the interview. 你面试之前应该调查一下。