⭐⭐MR.Jessie 5.8实用情景对话

⭐⭐MR.Jessie 5.8实用情景对话

2016-05-11    03'07''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

105 7

1. Change my seat 我要换座位 Useful Expressions 常用语句 1. Please tell him to stop smoking. 请告诉他不要抽烟。 2. Please refrain from smoking. 请禁止吸烟。 3. This is the smoking section, isn't it? 这是吸烟区,不是吗? 4. I'd like to smoke. 我要吸烟。 5. I am a heavy smoker. 我是位老烟民。 6. Can I change my seat next to my friend's over there? 我可以把我的座位换到我朋友那边吗? 7. May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗? 8. Do you mind if I smoke? 如果我吸烟,你介意吗? Practical Conversation 实用会话 A: Excuse me, sir. You are not supposed to smoke here. 对不起,先生,你不能在这里吸烟。 B: I beg your pardon? 请你再说一遍好吗? A: Your seat is in the non-smoking section. So, please refrain from smoking. 你坐的位置是非吸烟区,所以是禁止吸烟的。 B: Oh, I see. Since I'm a heavy smoker, may I change my seat? 啊,我知道了,因为我是个老烟民,我可以换座位吗? A: Then, I'll try to find a seat in the smoking section. One moment, please. 那么,我想办法在吸烟区找个座位,请等一会儿。 A: Thank you for waiting. I found a seat in the smoking section for you. 谢谢你等候,我在吸烟区为你找到了一个座位。 B: Oh, did you? Thanks a lot. 啊,是吗?多谢你。 2. Bottoms up 干杯 Useful Expressions 常用语句 1. I'll have beer, please. 请给我啤酒。 2. How much is beer? 这啤酒多少钱? 3. Which would you like, red or white wine? 你喜欢哪一种,红酒还是白酒呢? 4. Is there any Chinese newspaper? 这里有中文报纸吗? 5. I prefer chicken, please. 请给我鸡排。 6. Could I have a blanket and pillow, please? 请给我毛毯和枕头好吗? 7. How should I recline my seat? 我的座椅怎样放斜呢? 8. This earphone is not working. 这个耳机有故障了。 Practical Conversation 实用会话 A: Excuse me. Would you like a drink before your meal? 对不起,请问你要喝点饭前酒吗? B: Pardon? 你说什么? A: Would you like a drink? 你要喝酒吗? B: Oh, I see. I'll have beer, please.啊,我懂了。请给我啤酒。 A: OK. Here you are.好的,这就是。 B: Thank you. How much is it? 谢谢你,多少钱? A: Well, all the drinks including beer are free of charge. 哦,全部饮料包括啤酒在内都是免费的。 B: Are you sure? Then, I will have more beer,please. 你敢确定吗?那么,我就多喝些啤酒。 A: Don't worry. We will come back again a little later. 不要担心,稍候我们会再来的。