1.perk:额外补贴 2. Slave-driver:苛刻的老板 3. Demand:需求 4.bouncy:精力充沛的 5. Scheme:计划 6. Opportunity:机会 7. Working environment:工作环境 8.layoff:裁员 9. Repetitive:重复的 10. Stressful: 紧张的 压力大的 Useful sentences: 1. You are in the pink. 你气色不错。 2. He is bouncy. 他精力充沛 3. It’s one of the perks of the job, isn’t it? 这是额外补贴吗? 4. He ‘s a real slave-driver. 他是个很苛刻的上司。 5. What a nice uniform. 这制服真漂亮。 6. Does it come with the job? 这是上班穿的吗? 7. I’m looking forward to the holidays. 我盼着放假。 8. I’ve been rushed off my feet all day.我今天忙的不可开交。 9. I’ve got that Monday morning feeling. 我现在有星期一综合症。 10. I’ve got my boss breathing down my neck.我老板天天盯着我。 11. She worked as a intern before graduation. 她毕业之前在这实习过。 12. Do you know nick? He is a genius salesman.你认识Nick 吗? 他是一个天才销售员。 13. Stress? You don’t know the meaning of the word.压力?你根本不懂这个词的意思 14. A famous IT company plans to cut jobs soon. 最近一家著名的IT公司也在裁员。 15. A company car is one of the perks of the job. 这份工作的好处之一是公司提供一部车。 16. I asked rose if she had a boyfriend, and she told me to mind my own business. 我问rose是否她有男朋友, 她叫我管好自己。 17. Why do you want to leave your current job and join us? 你为什么要辞去上一份工作来我们这? 18. You know, we are not allowed to send personal e-mails from the office.你知道的,咱们不允许在办公室发私人邮件。 19. It’s against company policy. 这违反了公司政策。 20. It’s so repetitive. I just sit there all day filling in forms.简直是重复劳动。我整天坐在那填表。