MR 5.26 Jessie

MR 5.26 Jessie

2016-06-01    03'53''

主播: CSMeten 英语小站

153 7

How was your trip to Florida? 你去佛罗里达的旅途怎么样? Hi, Joe. How was your trip to Florida? 嗨,乔,你去佛罗里达的旅途怎么样? It was fantastic. How was the weather in Florida? 真是太棒了。佛罗里达的天气怎么样? It was not perfect, but it was ok. Were there any good restaurants? 它不是完美的,但是还不错。有什么好的餐馆吗? Yes, there were many good restaurants near the hotel. What was the hotel like? 是的,酒店附近有许多好的餐馆。酒店怎么样? It was excellent. There was a swimming pool and a tennis court. 那里好极了,有游泳池和网球场。 What did you do last night? 昨晚你做什么了? You look tired. What did you do last night? 你看起来很累。昨晚你做什么了? I studied math. I had a test this morning. 我学习数学。今天上午我有一个考试。 How long did you study? 你学习了多长时间? I studied for about 3 hours. How about you? 我学习了大约3个小时,你呢? Did you work late yesterday? 你昨天工作很晚吗? No, I didn't. I went home early and rented a DVD. 不,我没有。我早早回家,租了一个DVD。 It’s good for you. I'm glad you could relax yesterday. 对你有好处,我很高兴你昨天能轻松一下。 How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎么样? How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎么样? It was great. Gina and I went biking in the park. 非常好。我和吉娜去公园骑自行车了 Oh, really? That must have been fun for you guys. 哦,真的吗?那对于你们来说一定很好玩。 Yeah, it was really fun. But there were lots of hills. I was very tired. 是的,它是非常有趣的。但那儿有很多山。我很累。 How did you spend last weekend? 你上周末怎么度过的? I went to my friend's birthday party. There were many old friends. 我去参加了我朋友的生日聚会。有许多老朋友。 Did you see your ex-girlfriend there? 你在那里见到你的前女友了吗? Unfortunately, she did not come. 很不幸,她没来。 I have to make some food for a Christmas party. 我得为圣诞节聚会准备一些食物。 What are you doing on Christmas Eve? 圣诞节前夕你要做什么? Well, I don't know yet. Are you doing something? 嗯,我还不知道。你有事做吗? Yes. I am going to go to a baseball game. 是的,我要去参加一个棒球比赛。 A baseball game on Christmas Eve? 圣诞节前夕的棒球比赛? Would you like to come with me? 你愿意和我一起来吗? I'm sorry but I can't. I have to make some food for a Christmas party. 我很抱歉我不能,我得为圣诞节聚会准备一些食物。 That's too bad. 那太糟了。 Yeah. Maybe some other time. 是的,或许改天再去吧。