Arden Cho-With You

Arden Cho-With You

2017-05-30    03'37''

主播: 米粒喵的日语小生活

566 19

歌曲:With You 演唱:Arden Cho 中英对照歌词: I wanna hear you say you love me,我想听你说爱我, That you just can't live without me,我是你生命中必不可缺的人, Even if you have to lie,即使你说的是谎言, I just wanna hear you say,我也想聆听你的情话, I wanna be the one you dream of,我想成为让你魂牵梦绕的人, The one who knows all your secrets,知晓你所有秘密的人, The one you can't live without,成为你不可或缺的人, Even if it hurts to stay,即使受到伤害我也心甘情愿, So be the one,所以啊, To hold me down,成为那个拥我入怀的人吧, Take me out and face the world side by side,与我并肩相随 带我领略这缤纷的世界, Say you'll be,对我说着, You'll be mine, you'll be mine,你是属于我的 你是属于我的, One day one day,日复一日, When will I hear you calling my name,我何时会听到你呼唤我的名字, Cause you dont know what its like on this side,因为你还不懂这种心动的感觉, Could it be possibly be with you,那大概就是和你在一起的感觉吧, I wanna feel the touch of your lips,我想亲吻你的唇, The closeness of your body,与你缱绻缠绵, Would you wanna be my first kiss,你想得到我的初吻吗, I wanna be your last and only,我想成为你最后一个恋人 命中唯一的真爱, You are the one I wanna grow old with,你就是那个我愿与你白头偕老的人, Share a life and build a family,和你共度一生 组建家庭, Don't you wanna be the one,你难道不愿意吗, That'll write this happy ending,你会写下爱情的幸福结局, So be the one,所以啊, To hold me down,成为那个拥我入怀的人吧, Take me out and face the world side by side,与我并肩相随 带我领略这缤纷的世界, Say you'll be,对我说着, You'll be mine, you'll be mine,你是属于我的 你是属于我的, One day one day,日复一日, When will I hear you calling my name,我何时会听到你呼唤我的名字, Cause you dont know what its like on this side,因为你还不懂这种心动的感觉, Could it be possibly be with you,那大概就是和你在一起的感觉吧, Take my hand,牵起我的手, Lead me to a place where we can call our own,带我去往只属于彼此的地方, Make me smile,逗我笑, Wrap me in the warmth of your love,用你温暖的爱将我围绕, One day one day,日复一日, I could hear you calling my name,我何时会听到你呼唤我的名字, Cause you dont know what its like on this side,因为你还不懂这种心动的感觉, Could it be possibly be with you,那大概就是和你在一起的感觉吧, Be with you,与你相伴。