

2016-02-01    02'00''

主播: sexymama

733 31

There is on catch-the full-grown lions don't patronize the usual watering holes. Very few Mufasas are bar flies hanging out on a Saturday night. They don't need to chase women. 就是有一个问题。好男人们极少会在周六晚上出没在乱七八糟的酒吧晃荡,他们不需要抠女。 They attract women where ever they go! 他们到哪都受欢迎 Lions are choosers too. They want interesting, motivated, high-value women-women with integrity and boundaries; women who know what they want in life and in a man. 这些雄狮们有他们的要求。他们想要有趣、有自我要求、优秀的女人,那些有品、有原则女性;那些了解自己想过什么样的生活、想要什么样的男人的女人。 I will make you this woman! 我会把你打造成这样一个女人! Some things to remember: 要牢记以下几点: Understand the influences society puts on men; 了解男人所扮演的社会角色 Understand the ingredients or DNA making-up a man- including competition, challenge, self-worth, toughness and motivation to make money and provide; 了解男人的基因密码:竞争、挑战、自我价值、坚强、挣钱养家的愿望。 Money brings men status and is very important to all men, even though it is not necessarily important to you; 钱可以给男人带来地位,所以钱对所有的男人都很重要,即便对女人来说,钱可能不是那么地重要; How a man viewed by others, mainly male role models, correlates directly with his self-esteem; 其他男人、特别是那些优秀男人对他的看法,会直接影响他的自尊心; Men are not able to love themselves, or women, until they have attained what they considered as success; 男人认为自己获得所谓成功之前,不会爱自己和女人; Women tend to date wet kittens because you feel you can change them. You can’t. wet kittens pee on the rug, go out and never come back; 女人不介意和落魄男约会,因为她以为自己可以改变他。落魄男和你在一起的时候肆无忌惮,突然某天就离你而去,永不回头; Lions don’t hang out at the usual water holes-they are choosers, just like you will be soon! 而那些好男人不会经常光顾普通夜店,他们不用主动追求异性,正如将来的你一样! <( ̄3 ̄)> 想要好的发音和听力?sexymama美语发音课程链接http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520100734382