(附原文)When I Feel Scared(宝贝,别害怕!)

(附原文)When I Feel Scared(宝贝,别害怕!)

2016-02-27    06'02''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

1110 17

每个人都会害怕,小朋友更是如此。害怕的时候该怎么办?书中有不少好建议。 Sometimes I feel scared. I feel scared when there's a big, loud noise or when I have a bad dream or when my mother goes away. When I think I could get hurt, I feel scared. Sometimes I just feel scared and I don't know why! Scared is a cold, tight feeling, When I feel scared, I cry. I want to run away or hide. I want someone to hold me. I want to stop feeling scared! Everyone's scared sometimes, even grownups. It's not being a baby to be scared. When I feel scared, I can do some things to feel better. I can tell someone that I'm scared. I can ask to be held. It helps to be held, and to talk about what scares me. I can cuddle with someone, with my blanket or stuffed animal, get in a cozy place, or look at my favorite book. Sometimes feeling scared keeps me safe. I need to stay away from a dog that's growling. I shouldn't climb too high, play near cars, or go near fire. Other times I don't need to be scared. We can look under the bed to see what's there. I can learn that the dark can be nice. I can pet a friendly dog when its own says I can. I see that when my mother goes away, she comes back again. When I feel scared, I can talk about it. I can have someone hold me. I can cuddle with my blanket or toy or find a cozy place. I can find out that some things aren't really scary. When I feel scared, I know what to do!