(附原文)How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?(如果让生病宝宝配合治疗?)

(附原文)How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?(如果让生病宝宝配合治疗?)

2016-05-11    04'55''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

2151 28

恐龙宝宝感冒了,不舒服,不开心。但他明白,只有配合医生治疗,才能赶走病菌,让病情好转,让身心舒畅。 原文如下: What if a dinosaur catches the flu? Does he whimper and whine in between each Atchoo? What does a dinosaur do? Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor? Does he fling all his medicine out of the door? Does he flip off his covers with tooth and with tail? Does he dump out his juice and get sick in a pail? Does a dinosaur wail? What if a dinosaur goes to the doc? Does he drag his feet till his mom is in shock? Does he hold his mouth closed when he’s told,”Open wide”? Does he scream? Is he mean? Does he run off and hide? Does he push back each drink, spit his pills in the sink? Does he make a big stink? Is that what you think? No... He drinks lots of juice, and he gets lots of rest. He’s good at the doctor’s, ‘cause doctors know best. He uses a hankie on mouth and on nose. He snuggles right down underneath the bedclothes. He takes all his medicine without a fight. He closes his eyes. He whispers good night. Then Mama and Papa tiptoe out the door. Get well. Get well, little dinosaur.