Little Critter:JUST A LITTLE SICK(生病不好玩)

Little Critter:JUST A LITTLE SICK(生病不好玩)

2016-11-10    06'38''

主播: 硅谷妈妈

539 2

原文: I am just a little sick today. Mom says,"No school. You need to stay in bed." Being just a little sick is fun. I get breakfast in bed. Yay! It is just plain toast. Yuck! "I want Fruity Nut Crunch,"I say. Mom says."You are too sick. Go back to bed." "I am not too sick to play video games." "Yes, you are,"says Mom. "Now go to bed and rest." I am not too sick to fly to the moon on my rocket ship. "The rocket ship ran out of gas,"Mom says."It needs to rest." I am not too sick to build a tent on my bed. I am hiding from my bear. Suddenly I don't feel good. My bear and I go to find Mom. Mom sends me back to bed.She takes my temperature. "You have a fever,"says Mom. I say,"I am sleepy." I wake up from my nap. I feel great! I get dressed. I will go out to play. Mom says,"Oh, good, you are all dressed. Let's go to the doctor." "But I am not sick anymore," I say. Mom takes me to the doctor anyway. We wait and wait. I put on a funny-looking robe. The back is open. The doctor checks my throat, my nose and my ears. The doctor gives Mom something to make me feel better. We go home. I can't wait to go out and play with my friends. "Oh, no,"says Mom."The doctor said you have to rest all day." I am tired of resting! I ask,"Can I please go to school tomorrow?" I changed my mind. Being just a little sick is no fun.