【女声醉人】Climb-Coeur de Pirate

【女声醉人】Climb-Coeur de Pirate

2016-04-29    03'17''

主播: 睿睿Chloe

454 6

封面图为专辑「Roses」封面 Subtle is a sound that lives underground,游丝般的低吟囚居于隐匿之所, I've heard it all before,往昔我已深谙这微弱之音, Thick like all my bones that break when they talk,厚实如骨却在人们交头接耳时支离破碎, I don't know if I'll walk If you're not by my side,你若不在我身边我不知我是否还会踽踽独行, What it means to belong,归宿又意为何物, That's all that we want,那便是我们渴盼的一切, I've heard you ran away,我听说你落荒而逃, Just to be the same,只为忠于本心 I was all that they want,人们将目光锁住我, I heard that you were gone by the moan of her name,我听说你已循着唤她之名的呻吟声远去, So I climb to my fall,因此我沿着坍陷的心湖攀援, Until whispers heard no more,直到低吟不再绕耳, And every time I look, I lose control,每当我四处张望 我难以自制, I'll find this girl who yells,我会寻觅到那个声嘶力竭的女孩, Who sleeps beneath the rain,她在细雨中安眠, And every time I try, I lose again,每当我努力寻找 我便再次失控, Lakes and trees collide,树木倒映在湖泊中与之相融, Where I hid my heart,而我的心该何去何从, I wish you could have seen,我愿你会留意到, All the black between,那遥夜沉沉 暗无天日, The day you stole my time,那些你占据的我的光阴, And the night when you became mine,那夜你我灵肉合一, Oh, you won't hold my hand,哦 你不紧执我手吗, You're gone where we see,你不辞而别, The sun is rising at last,我们最后一次看日出的地方, In all of its glory,日光普照, I think you forgot,我想你早已遗忘, If you had ever came for me,若你曾为我而来, So I climb to my fall,因此我沿着坍陷的心湖攀援, Until whispers heard no more,直到低吟不再绕耳, And every time I look, I lose control,每当我四处张望 我难以自制, I'll find this girl who yells,我会寻觅到那个声嘶力竭的女孩, Who sleeps beneath the rain,她在细雨中安眠, And every time I try, I lose again,每当我努力寻找 我便再次失控, So I climb to my fall,因此我沿着坍陷的心湖攀援, Until whispers heard no more,直到低吟不再绕耳, And every time I look, I lose control,每当我四处张望 我难以自制, I'll find this girl who yells,我会寻觅到那个声嘶力竭的女孩, Who sleeps beneath the rain,她在细雨中安眠, And every time I try, I lose again,每当我努力寻找 我便再次失控。