

2017-10-24    03'59''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 你小时候有木有经常被家长套路? 例如什么你是垃圾桶里捡来的!大马猴一会来抓你,以及压岁钱我帮你存着.... 宝宝表示,你们这些家长真是欺负我们太傻太天真就欺负我们! 今天我们一起看看这些家长们的骗术是多么精彩。 “Death” Threat “死亡”恐吓 “My mom told me if I didn’t play outside for at least an hour a day, I’d turn into a vampire and all of my friends would be scared of me.” “我妈妈说,如果我每天在外面玩耍的时间超不过一小时的话,我会变成一个吸血鬼,我所有的小伙伴们都会害怕我。” 麻麻,原来吸血鬼都是这样修炼的...涨姿势! A Little Birdie Told Me… 一只小鸟告诉我... “My mom used to tell me she had a little bird that would fly around outside and watch me when she wasn’t around and would tell me if I did anything bad. I still hate birds.” “我妈妈曾对我说,她有一只小鸟,在她不在我身边的时候这只小鸟可以在外面边飞边监视我,如果我做了什么不好的事,这只小鸟会告诉她。直到现在我都讨厌小鸟。” 哼,信不信我也找个这样的小鸟监视你?!欺负我无知.... What’s Your Flavorite? 你最喜欢什么口味? “My parents told me there was only one flavor of ice cream: vanilla. They told us this so we wouldn’t spill chocolate ice cream everywhere and stain things.” “我父母告诉我世界上只有一种口味的冰淇淋,那就是香草味。他们这么说是为了防止我把巧克力味的冰淇淋洒的到处都是弄脏东西。” 没谁了,因为香草冰淇淋是白色,就不会弄脏,巧克力的弄脏很像shit? The Seed Situation 种子事件 “Neither of my parents likes watermelon. I asked my parents why we never had watermelon in the summer, and my mom told me the watermelon seeds were dangerous — she said if I ate one by accident, a whole watermelon would grow inside of me.” “我爸妈都不喜欢西瓜。我问他们为什么我们夏天从来不吃西瓜,妈妈说西瓜的种子很危险——她说如果我不小心吃了一粒西瓜种子,肚子里就会长出一整个西瓜来。“ Mommy,既然这样,长了西瓜要怎么拿出来?需要做手术吗?看你还怎么编! The Plant Perception 植物的知觉 “I used to tell my daughter plants cry if you pull them out of the ground or rip leaves off. Obviously, this backfired when she refused to eat things like lettuce.” “我曾告诉我女儿,如果你把草丛土里拔出来或者把叶子拽下来,这些植物们都会流泪。显然,事与愿违。从此她拒绝吃诸如生菜这种食物。” 孩子的世界不是你想的那样,纯作茧自缚,现在好了吧,有理由不吃蔬菜了! Ghostly Quiet 幽灵般的寂静 “On road trips, my dad told me that those‘Watch for Falling Rocks’ signs were actually about ghosts that threw things off the ledges. He said if I was really quiet the whole ride maybe I’d see one. “I never saw one.” “在公路旅行中,爸爸告诉我,那些“小心流石”的指示牌其实是说有幽灵会从山脊上扔东西下来。他说如果我在整个旅途保持安静也许我会看见一个。 “我一个都没看见。” 多亏没看见,看见的话,估计就是摊上大事了。 * 熊家长骗术哪家强? 想想自己的童年 都被家长们骗过什么 有什么经典的瞬间 留言给熊叔吧 今日跟读金句 Neither of my parents likes watermelon.“我爸妈都不喜欢西瓜。 “I used to tell my daughter plants cry if you pull them out of the ground or rip leaves off. 我曾告诉我女儿,如果你把草丛土里拔出来或者把叶子拽下来,这些植物们都会流泪。 He said if I was really quiet the whole ride maybe I’d see one. 他说如果我在整个旅途保持安静也许我会看见一个。