亲子英文口语课堂第二期brush your teeth

亲子英文口语课堂第二期brush your teeth

2017-04-23    06'12''

主播: Miss Effie

936 24

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~Brush your teeth   刷牙  have bad breath 有口气  three times a day.一天三次 cavities  蛀牙  turn black 变黑  toothpaste 牙膏    squeeze the toothpaste 挤牙膏 gargle and spit. 涑口,然后吐掉   Here is a Dialogue that parents can practice with your baby. 下面的对话可以和宝贝一起练习。   Parent: Eww, , you are having bad breath ,Emma , you should brush your teeth . (家长)   哎呀, Emma 你有口气噢,你该刷牙了 Kid : I did last night  孩子) 我昨天晚上刷过了… Parent: You should brush your teeth three times a day.  (家长):   你要一天刷三次啊! Kid : Ugh, I hate brushing my teeth. (孩子)   哼,我不喜欢刷牙 Parent: well, if you don’t take care of your teeth, you’ll get cavities.  (家长)    如果你不好好保护牙齿,会有cavities ( 蛀牙) 哦! Kid: what do you mean ? (孩子) Cavities 是什么意思 Parent: I meant your teeth will turn black. (家长)  就是你的牙齿会变黑   Kid : Alright . could you squeeze the toothpaste for me ? mom (孩子)  好吧,妈妈,可以帮我挤牙膏吗? Parent: Here you go. (家长) 好嘞 Kid : Thank you. (孩子)  谢谢 Parent : Brush up and down        Don’t forget to brush deep inside        Brush for 3 minutes. (家长)  刷牙的时候要上下都刷到, 不要忘记里面也要刷, 要刷三分钟哦! Kid: Has it been 3 minutes yet? (孩子) 三分钟到了吗? Parent: not yet, keep brushing       Now gargle and spit. (家长)  还没有, 继续刷 现在可以漱口 吐掉啦。