73. The Real Meaning of Hotpot (English 英文版)

73. The Real Meaning of Hotpot (English 英文版)

2017-01-20    62'48''

主播: disanyan

51 4

Today's guest is the founder of Chengdu Food Tours Jordan Porter (www.chengdufoodtours.com). This was a really fun discussion about how Chengdu natives truly shine when it comes to sitting down at the dinner table. Most people go to the Pandas, Jinli, Kuanzhaixiangzi, and other Chengdu sites when coming to this big western China metropolis, but they likely would miss what really is the charm of Chengdu if they don't see some of the hidden gems hidden in the world of Sichuan cuisine. To learn more or book your own tour, go to www.chengdufoodtours.com Music, as always, is provides by Contraplans, who just came out with a new Album "No One Is Listening" that can be found on Bandcamp: https://contraplans.bandcamp.com/album/no-one-is-listening
上一期: 72. 2016的回顾,2017的方向