This is me[励志向]

This is me[励志向]

2018-02-07    03'54''

主播: 伍天✨

2956 90

Another round of bullets hits my skin, 我们抵住枪林弹雨 Well fire away 'cause today, I won’t let the shame sink it, 不屈不挠火力全开, We are bursting through the barricades, 我们穿过重重障碍,And reach above the sun, we are Warriors, 终将拨云见日,Yeah that's what we'll become, 那就是我们的未来, Won't let them break me down to dust, 但我不会任由他们将我击垮, I know that there's a place for us, 总有一片仅属于我们的净土, For we are glorious,只因我们不同凡响, When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, 锋言利语袭来之时, Gonna send a flood gonna drown them out,我将排山倒海将其击退, I am brave, I am bruised,我勇敢过,我受伤过, I am who I'm meant to be this is me, 我注定与众不同, Look out 'cause here I come, 我将卷土重来 And I'm marching on to the beat I drum, 我将重整旗鼓, I'm not scared to be seen, 不惧言语不畏世俗, I make no apologies this is me, 勇往直前至死不屈, This is me。
上一期: 克卜勒[特别版]
下一期: 陨落[渺天]