英式英语晚读 | 切勿轻易给孩子开“家庭处方” | 160328

英式英语晚读 | 切勿轻易给孩子开“家庭处方” | 160328

2016-03-28    00'16''

主播: 饭哆英语

120 1

The lack of 'child-specific' medication has led many parents to give their children reduced doses of drugs intended for adults. While the practice often works, medical experts are concerned that imprecise doses and inappropriate treatments could endanger young people's safety. 由于儿童专用药品短缺,很多家长给孩子服用减量的成人用药。尽管这样也经常能起到效果,但医学专家担心不精确的剂量和不恰当的治疗会危害孩子的安全。