Cold As You-Taylor Swift

Cold As You-Taylor Swift

2017-03-03    03'59''

主播: 两桶可乐🥤

1827 87

专辑:《Taylor Swift》 歌词: You have a way of coming easily to me 你轻易走进我的生活 And when you take,You take the very best of me 你让我展现了最完美的一面 So I start a fight cause I need to feel something 所以我开始纠结,因为我需要一些感觉 And you do what you want 可你依然我行我素 Cause I&`&m not what you wanted 因为你要的不是我 Oh, what a shame 噢,多么可惜 What a rainy ending given to a perfect day 就像完美的一天突然下起瓢泼大雨 so just walk away 所以那就转身离开 No use defending words that you will never say 无力守候那些你根本不会对我说的言语 And now that I&`&m sitting here thinking it through 我正坐着想着事情的经过,我从没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷 I&`&ve never been anywhere cold as you 我从没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷 You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray 你在我们之间建起一道墙并涂上灰白的色调 And I stood there loving you and wished them all away 爱你的我站在墙外并祈求它能消失掉 And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a   dreamer with the nerve to adore you.   你已离去,留下一个卑微却伟大的故事,一个勇敢爱你的人,她的梦想却已破碎 Oh, what a shame 多么可惜 What a rainy ending given to a perfect day 就像完美的一天却下起瓢泼大雨 So just walk away 所以那就转身离去 No use defending words that you will never say 不必守候那些你永远不会对我说的言语 And now that I&`&m sitting here thinking it through 现在我坐在这里仔细思量 I&`&ve never been anywhere cold as you 以前从未感受到过像你带给我的冷酷 You never did give a damn thing, honey 你从未故意伤害过我,亲爱的 But I cried, cried for you 我却哭了,为你流泪 And I know you wouldn&`&t have told nobody if I died Died for you died for you 因为我知道,即使我为你死去,你也不会认为这值得一提 Oh, what a shame 多么可惜 What a rainy ending give to a perfect day 完美的一天却下起瓢泼大雨 Every smile you fake is so condescending 你强颜欢笑是否表现你的高傲 Counting all the scars you made 细数着你留给我的创伤 Now that I&`&m sitting here thinking it through 我正坐着想着事情的经过,我从没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷 I&`&ve never been anywhere cold as you 我从没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷