

2020-05-16    04'31''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

138 1

晚上好团友们,出发啦出发啦,我们的旅行团又要出发啦!你问我要去哪里,我就不告诉你要去哪里,如果你也想和我一起云游览中国,就接下来一起听吧。悄悄告诉你,这个省份的人可能吃辣了,不过中国吃辣的省份那么多,你也猜不到究竟是哪里的,透露几个单词给你吧 辣的 hot 手搓冰粉 handmade ice jelly 宽窄巷子 Kuanzhai alley 熊猫 panda This province is a perfect province. Whetheryou want to pursue the pure land of the soul or a market place. In the west,it's blue sky and white clouds, In the East, and the leisurely urban atmospherewill accompany you. 这个省份,是一个无论你想追球灵魂净土,还是想追球市井烟火气都能够很好的满足你的省份。往西走,是蓝天白云一片,往东走,悠闲的城市氛围与你相伴左右。 Today, let's go to the city. First stop,let's go to the famous "Kuanzhai alley". Kuanzhai alley, formerly anancient street of the Qing Dynasty, has been developed into a touristattraction. 今天,我们一起去城市里面逛逛吧。第一站,我们一起去著名的“宽窄巷子”。宽窄巷子前身是清朝的一条古街道,被人们开发成了一个旅游景点。 It was at night when I arrived here. Manyshops were closed, leaving only dim lights and several restaurants stillshouting. Under the dim yellow light, Kuanzhai alley is set off very gently.But the restaurants located in Kuanzhai alley, Lulu is not recommended. If youwant to taste authentic food, you have to go outside the scenic spot. Lulu是夜晚时分来到宽窄巷子,那时许多店家都已关门,仅剩昏黄的灯光和几家仍在吆喝的餐馆。昏黄的灯光下宽窄巷子被衬托的非常温柔,但要说宽窄巷子里的餐馆嘛,lulu是绝不推荐的,想要品尝地道美食,还是要到景点之外。 If you still can't guess where it is, Lulutells you that there is a national treasure here. It's black and white, roundand rolling, only like to eat one kind of food, bamboo. If you want to seepandas, the first bus is in Kuanzhai alley. Remember to book a ticket. As youcan guess, we are in Sichuan today. 如果大家还猜不到这里是哪里,那么lulu告诉大家,这里有一个国宝。它黑白相间,身子圆滚滚,只爱吃一种食物,竹子。如果各位想去看熊猫,始发车就在宽窄巷子,要记得预定车票。说到这里,大家猜到了吧,我们今天在四川。 Sichuan cuisine occupies a place amongChina's top ten cuisines. It is not made of delicacies. It is a common dish indaily life. However, it can be combined with seasonings to produce fresh,fragrant, oil, hemp, spicy and other flavors, which stimulates the taste budsof diners to continue to eat. After eating a table of spicy, runny Sichuanfood, there is a bowl of cool, soft and sticky handmade ice jelly waiting foryou. 中国十大菜系,川菜占领一席之地。四川菜的取材没有山珍海味,多是日常生活中常见的菜品,却能佐以调料搭配出鲜、香、油、麻、辣等等多种口味,刺激着食客的味蕾不断地想继续吃。吃完了一桌把人辣的流鼻涕的川菜,还有一碗清凉软糯的手搓冰粉在旁边等你。 作为广东人的lulu,对于四川的了解也仅限于旅游时所了解的一星半点。据说他们每到下午都会到公园一起喝大碗茶,会在公园里一起下棋,享受人生。不过游客lulu并没有见识到四川这样安逸而生活化的场面,如果你是四川人,欢迎留言告诉lulu四川人的生活究竟有多安逸,我们下期再见啦,拜拜~