Indie Feed_作业/工作/放空用BGM精选_Natural Relax

Indie Feed_作业/工作/放空用BGM精选_Natural Relax

2015-09-28    42'02''

主播: Lilianma

1044 14

没有废话 不矫情的 Special Edition 开头: deerlake shadows-梁晓雪 1. intro- Kenichiro Nishihara 2. Promise in love- DJ Mitsu the Beats, Jose James 3. I’m your doggy- 梁晓雪 李霄云 4. Teddy Bear Rises- Oohyo 5. Silent Motorway- Kenichiro Nishihara 6. L O V E- Olivia Ong 7. If you Wonder- Jeff Bernat 8. Wishful Thinking- The Ditty Bops 9. Sign- Jun 10. What am I to you- Norah Jones 11. Rule My World- Kings of Convenience 12. Reunion- Tokyo Blue Weeps 13. Outro