泰勒·斯威夫特 | Red

泰勒·斯威夫特 | Red

2016-11-12    03'47''

主播: 泰勒-斯威夫特

13857 445

Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他就像驾著一架MASERATI到死胡同 Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly 快如疾风,炽热像是罪,突如其来地完结 Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you&`&re already flying through the free fall 爱他就像你已在空中急堕,才想改变心意 Like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all 像秋天的颜色,在失去前般明亮 chorus Losing him was blue, like I&`&ve never known 失去他,心情是我从没尝过的忧郁 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 挂念他犹如无尽灰色的孤苦 Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 忘记他却如从头认识一个陌生人 But loving him was red 但爱他如炽热的红色般火热 Loving him was red 如炽热的红色般火热 Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you 触碰他,使你意识到所有你想要的近在眼前 Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song 记得他犹如记得一首你大爱的歌般容易 Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there&`&s no right answer 和他吵架就如填著填字游戏,永远没有答案 Regretting him was like wishing you&`&d never found out that love could be that strong 为他感到遗憾使你宁愿没有感受到这爱的强烈 chorus Losing him was blue, like I&`&ve never known 失去他,心情是我从没尝过的忧郁 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 挂念他犹如无尽灰色的孤苦 Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 忘记他却如从头认识一个陌生人 But loving him was red 但爱他如炽热的红色般火热 Loving him was red 如炽热的红色般火热 Oh, red 炽热的红 Burning red 火烧的红 Remembering him comes in flashbacks, in echoes 记得他在回忆中闪过,带著呼应 Tell myself it&`&s time now, gotta let go 告诉我这是时候,放手让一切走 But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head 但当我看见一切都在脑海里,离开他继续前行变得不可能 Burning red 火烧的红 Loving him was red 我爱他如炽热的红色 chorus Oh, losing him was blue, like I&`&ve never known 失去他,心情是我从没尝过的忧郁 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 挂念他犹如无尽灰色的孤苦 Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 忘记他却如从头认识一个陌生人 &`&Cause loving him was red 因为爱他如炽热的红色般火热 Yeah, yeah red 对,是红 Burning red 火烧红 And that&`&s why he&`&s spinning round in my head 这是他在我脑海围绕著的原因 Comes back to me, burning red 回来吧,火烧红 Yeah, yeah 对 His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他就像驾著一架MASERATI到死胡同
上一期: Girl At Home
下一期: A Place In This World