

2016-10-21    24'10''

主播: Samson zhang

300 6

《易贝乐塑造宝贝国际化陪学微课堂》(第五节) 音标篇 Phonetics+生活实用语句+绕口令 I wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish which the witch wishes ,I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish. 我希望着你希望的希望,但是如果你希望着巫婆希望的那个希望,我就不会希望你想的那个希望。 自拼与音标的巧妙结合 /ɔr/ or pork morning more door north fourteen for important e.g.: This is for you. /ei/ ay pay may ai maid failure a-e late mate e.g: I hate being late. /ai/ ie lie tie igh hight might i-e bite Mike e.g.: I like what you like. /ɔi/ oi oil soil join oy boy soy e.g.: He is just a boy. /əu/ oa boat moan ow bow crow o-e nose hope e.g.: I have no idea. /au/ ow cow how now wow e.g.: How about now? /ir/ ear near hear clear eer beer deer e.g.: Walls have ears. /ur/ ure sure oor poor e.g.: I was born in a poor family. 额外扩充 1. Don’t let me down. 不要让我失望。 2. Don’t push me. 别催我 3. Don’t rush to judgment. 别着急下定论 4. Don’t waste your breath. 不必费力气了。 5. Easy does it. 轻一点/慢慢来。