

2016-11-01    08'56''

主播: Nick Yan

16492 764

Nick老师微信号:1290712928 A jury in the northwestern state of Oregon has acquitted seven people involved in the armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge. 俄勒冈州西北部的陪审团判定,无罪释放牵涉到此次国家野生动植物保护区武装占领事件的七名领导者。 After the decision on Thursday, a lawyer for the leader of the group Ammon Bundy demanded the release of his client immediately.He also repeatedly yelled at the judge. U.S. marshals seized lawyer Marcus Mumford and used a stun gun on him several times.The lawyer was then arrested. 周四,此决定一出,民兵领袖阿蒙神·邦迪的律师立刻要求释放自己的委托人。该律师曾屡次怒吼法官。美国司法官制服了这位叫做马卡斯·福德的律师,且对他多次使用电击棒。随后,律师遭捕。 U.S. District Judge Anna Brown said she could not release Bundy because he still faces charges in the state of Nevada.The charges involved an armed incident on the property of his father Cliven Bundy two years ago. 美地区法官安娜·布朗表示,邦迪依然面临内华达州的控诉,因此无法将其释放。控诉内容涉及两年前一次有关父亲克莱文·邦迪财产问题的武装事件。 The jury in the city of Portland found Bundy, his brother Ryan Bundy and five others not guilty of preventing federal workers from doing their jobs.The incident took place at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, about 500 kilometers southeast of Portland. 波特兰市法官判定邦迪,以及哥哥莱安·邦迪,还有其他五名妨碍工人工作的同谋无罪。事件发生于马卢尔国家野生动植物保护区,距波特兰东南部500公里。 Lawyers for the seven said it was a surprise victory for the defense. 七名参与者的律师认为,这次防卫获胜,令人出其不意。 The U.S attorney in Oregon defended the decision to bring charges against the seven people.He said, “We strongly believe that this case needed to be brought before a court,publicly tried, and decided by a jury.” 美国俄勒冈州的律师为要求对七人进行控诉的决定而辩护。他称,“我们坚信,这个案件需由陪审团裁决,并由法院公开审判,才可下定论。” Ammon Bundy and his followers began their occupation of the refuge by force on January 2.They were protesting prison sentences given to Dwight and Steven Hammond, two local ranchers found guilty of setting fires. They demanded that the government free the father and son and give control of public lands to local officials. 阿蒙神·邦迪和他的同谋于1月2日起武装占领了野生动植物保护区。他们是在抗议德怀特和史蒂文·哈蒙德受到的刑罚,二人是当地的牧场工人,因纵火而被判刑。民兵团要求政府释放这对父子,且将公有土地的控制权交给当地警方。 The refuge takeover earned sympathizers from around the West. 占领保护区的行为获得了整个西部地区的支持。 The Bundys and others involved in the occupation were arrested outside the refuge in late January. 一月末,邦迪及其同谋在保护区外被捕。 The incident ended with police shooting and killing Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, an occupation spokesman. 警察开枪击毙这次占领事件的发言人罗伯特·拉沃伊·菲尼库姆,标志着事件的结束。 Federal prosecutors took two weeks to present their case, finishing with a display of more than 30 guns taken after the standoff. 联邦检察官耗时两周申诉,以双方僵持过后交出了30多把枪支而告终。 Some people protested that the armed occupation was preventing others from using the land.Kieran Suckling is executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity.He called the acquittals disturbing. 一些人抗议称,这次武装占领事件就是在阻止其他人使用这个地方。基兰·萨克林是生物多样性中心的行政主任。他认为此次赦免令人不安。 He said the Bundy family and their followers were acting dangerously.He worries the decision will give other people confidence to use violence and intimidation for similar movements. 他表示,邦迪家族和他们同伙的行为很危险。他担心,这个决议会鼓励更多人使用暴力和恐吓的方法组织类似活动。