

2017-03-31    06'23''

主播: Nick Yan

1212 23

Nick老师微信: angus6, 欢迎交流! The Bode Museum in Berlin, Germany is known for its collection of 540,000 rare coins. 德国柏林博德博物馆因收藏了54万枚稀有的金币而闻名。 As of this week, however, it is down to 539,999. 然而,截至本周,只剩下539,999枚。 The collection’s largest coin has been stolen. The giant coin weighs 100 kilograms and is 53 centimeters wide. 收藏的最大的金币被盗。该金币重100公斤,宽53厘米。 The Royal Canadian Mint produced the coin. It is known as “Big Maple Leaf.” 该金币由加拿大皇家铸币厂生产。它被称为“大枫叶”。 The face value of the coin is $1 million. But experts say it may be worth up to $4 million because its gold is so pure. 金币的面值为100万美元。但专家说,它的价值可能高达400万美元,因为它由纯金制造而成。 It was loaned to the museum in 2010. 它于2010年借给该博物馆。 The museum kept the coin behind bulletproof glass. But, thieves managed to break the case. 博物馆将金币放于防弹玻璃之后。但是,盗贼设法将其打破了。 Berlin police believe the thieves climbed in through a window at the back of the museum. The window is next to train tracks. Police say the thieves used a ladder to reach the window, dropped into the museum, broke the case and took the coin. 柏林警方认为盗贼是通过博物馆后面的一个窗户爬进。窗户旁边是火车轨道。 警方说盗贼用梯子爬向窗户,进入博物馆,打破防弹玻璃,取走金币。 Since the coin was so large, police are looking for a group of suspects. 由于金币太大,警方正在追捕这一批嫌犯。 They say the break-in happened early Monday morning, when trains were not operating. They believe the thieves were in and out of the museum in just 25 minutes. 他们说此次盗窃发生于周一的早些时候,那时火车并没有运行。他们认为盗贼在短短的25分钟内就进出博物馆。 The police have not said if there is security video of the crime. People on social media say the robbery seems like something you would see in a movie. 警方没有说是否有此次犯罪的监控录像。人们在社交媒体上表示,此次盗窃似乎像是在电影中会看到的。 Others are questioning how the thieves got such a heavy coin out of the museum. One person guessed that the thieves must all be weightlifters. 还有人质疑盗贼如何将这么重的硬币从博物馆带走。有人猜测,小偷一定都是举重运动员。 Others want to know what they will do with the coin, since they can’t sell it. And of course, they cannot use it in a vending machine to buy a snack, one Twitter user joked. 其他人想知道他们会用金币做什么,因为他们无法卖掉它。一位推特用户开玩笑道,当然,他们不能在自动售卖机上使用它来购买小吃。 Experts think the thieves may try to melt the coin into smaller pieces and try to sell the gold. 专家认为盗贼可能试图将金币融化成小块状,并试图售卖黄金。