过气运动器材因Lady Gaga和詹皇而走红

过气运动器材因Lady Gaga和詹皇而走红

2017-05-30    06'52''

主播: Nick Yan

7860 425

Nick老师微信:1290712928,欢迎交流! If you are a fan of Lady Gaga or the National Basketball Association, you may have heard about an old piece of exercise equipment that is making a comeback. 如果你是Lady Gaga的粉丝或NBA的粉丝,你可能对一种过气的运动器材卷土重来有所耳闻。 It is called the VersaClimber. 也就是极限全身攀爬机。 It was invented in 1981.It is a combination of a stepper and climber. It involves moving your arms and legs.It looks like a device you might hang clothes on, but it is really for exercise. 极限全身攀爬机发明于1981年。它将踏步机与攀爬机结合起来。包括手臂和腿部的移动。这个运动器材很像是一个挂衣服的架子,但是它真的是用来锻炼的。 It is not very common to see people using a VersaClimber at gyms.It is not as popular as other workout machines. 在健身房很少见到有人使用极限全身攀爬机。它不像其他健身器材那样受欢迎。 But that may be changing. 但这种情况可能要改变了。 Lady Gaga talked about using the VersaClimber to get ready for her energetic halftime performance at the Super Bowl earlier this year. Lady Gaga提到,她使用极限全身攀爬机来为自己今年年初在超级碗(美国职业橄榄球锦标赛)的中场表演做准备,以在演出中保持活力。 LeBron James, who plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team, put up a video of himself using a VersaClimber last summer.He posted the video just three weeks after the Cavaliers won the NBA championship. 克利夫兰骑士队球员勒布朗·詹姆斯去年夏天上传了一段他在使用极限全身攀爬机的视频。他上传这个视频的时间恰好是骑士队赢得NBA冠军三周以后。 Dave McMenamin wrote the ESPN story. He said the Cavaliers have contests to see who can climb the greatest distance on the machines. 戴夫·麦克梅纳明为娱乐与体育节目电视网(ESPN)撰写了一篇文章。他说骑士队队员之间会比赛,看谁能够用这个攀爬机爬最远的距离。 Tristan Thompson plays for the Cavaliers. In the story, he said the VersaClimber is “the best machine in the weight room, but it’s the one everyone hates the most.” 特里斯坦·汤普森也是骑士队球员。在这个文章里,他说极限全身攀爬机是“举重房里最好的健身器材,但也最让人发愁。” The magazine Men’s Fitness published an article about the VersaClimber earlier this year.It said the machine provides one of the best workouts for weight loss. 《男士健身》杂志今年年初刊载了一篇关于极限全身攀爬机的文章。文章说极限全身攀爬机所提供的锻炼最适合减肥。 Brett Collins works for VersaClimber.He said the machine was at its most popular about 30 years ago. 布雷特·柯林斯为受雇于极限全身攀爬机产商。他说在大约30年前,它是最受欢迎的运动器材。 But its popularity is rising once again.Now, some gyms are even offering VersaClimber classes for their members. 但它又开始受欢迎了。现在,一些健身房甚至为会员提供极限全身攀爬机课程。