【满汉】花咩咩——大鱼+alive sia

【满汉】花咩咩——大鱼+alive sia

2017-02-05    08'38''

主播: ♚用尽冷茗墨染香♛

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《大鱼+alive sia》: 海浪无声将夜幕深深淹没 漫过天空尽头的角落 大鱼在梦境的缝隙里游过 凝望你沉睡的轮廓 看海天一色 听风起雨落 执子手吹散苍茫茫烟波 大鱼的翅膀 已经太辽阔 我松开时间的绳索 怕你飞远去 怕你离我而去 更怕你永远停留在这里 每一滴泪水 都向你流淌去 倒流进天空的海底 海浪无声将夜幕深深淹没 漫过天空尽头的角落 大鱼在梦境的缝隙里游过 凝望你沉睡的轮廓 看海天一色 听风起雨落 执子手吹散苍茫茫烟波 大鱼的翅膀 已经太辽阔 我松开时间的绳索 看你飞远去 看你离我而去 原来你生来就属于天际 每一滴泪水 都向你流淌去 倒流回最初的相遇 I was born in a thunderstorm 生于暴风骤雨之夜 I grew up overnight 一夜之间我成熟蜕变 I played alone 独自嬉戏 孤独向前 I'm playing on my own 孑然一身 执着前行 I survived Hey 得以幸存这喧嚣人世 I wanted everything I never had 向往不曾拥有的一切 Like the love that comes with life 像是生活中不期而至的爱情 I wore Ambien and I hated it 服下安眠药 因为我憎恨死亡 But I survived 而我得以侥幸存活 I had wanted to go to a place where all the demons go 我渴望去往恶灵魔鬼的聚集地 Where the wind don't change 那里 冷风依旧 And nothing in the ground can ever grow 那里 寸草不生 No hope, just lies 徒有绝望 唯有谎言 And you're taught to cry in your pillow 你被告知可以泣诉于枕塌间 But I'll survive 而我侥幸无恙 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I found solace in the strangest place 于陌生之地寻得一丝慰藉 Way in the back of my mind 在我的心底深处 I saw my life in a stranger's face 陌生的脸庞中窥见了我的生活足迹 And it was mine 这是属于我的人生 I had wanted to go to a place where all the demons go 我渴望去往恶灵魔鬼的聚集地 Where the wind don't change 那里 冷风依旧 And nothing in the ground can ever grow 那里 寸草不生 No hope, just lies 徒有绝望 唯有谎言 And you're taught to cry in your pillow 你被告知可以泣诉于枕塌间 But I'll survive 而我侥幸无恙 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 You took it out, but I'm still breathing 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 I had made every single mistake 我曾犯下的每个过错 That you could ever possibly make 或许你也曾感同身受 I took and I took and I took what you gave 我抹去 抹去你曾给予的一切 But you never noticed that I was in pain 而你丝毫未察觉到我的苦痛 I knew what I wanted; I went in and got it 我明白我的期待 审视内心才领悟 Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't 你曾许下我不曾直言的山盟海誓 I told you that I would never be forgotten 我说此生我绝不会忘怀 I know that's part of you 我明白这已成了你此生的意义 And I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm still breathing 依然安好 I'm alive (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 我侥幸存活 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 I'm alive (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 我侥幸存活 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 I'm alive (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 我侥幸存活 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 (You took it out, but I'm still breathing) 你夺走所有 而我依然安好 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 I'm alive 我侥幸存活 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~