新题讲解之 “健康活动"

新题讲解之 “健康活动"

2015-12-16    20'47''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

2030 243

Describe an activity you do to stay healthy. You should say: what you do; when you started doing it; how much time you spend doing it; and explain how this activity helps you stay healthy. Relevant expressions œ Keep fit œ Work out œ Lead a healthy/sedentary life/lifestyle œ Put on weight œ Shed a few pounds œ Have/maintain/eat a balanced diet œ Go on a (crash) diet œ One of the activities I do to stay healthy is swimming, which I’ve been doing for nearly a year. I normally swim twice a week, once on Wednesday night, and once on Saturday morning. If anything urgent comes up, I’ll make it up the next day. œ As for how it helps me stay healthy, well, first and foremost, it exercises all of the major muscle groups, especially those on my back and shoulder. Over the last year or so, I’ve been having a packed timetable; I normally have to sit all day long either in the lecture room or in front of a computer. About a year ago, I started to feel this soreness around the neck and back area, that was when I knew I had to do something about it. Swimming seemed to be an obvious choice, cos I didn’t know how to do most other individual or team sports, and jogging was way too hot to do, you know, it was summer. It turns out, swimming is strikingly effective. The pain and soreness is completely gone. I feel rejuvenated every time I come out of the swimming pool. œ Besides, swimming has been a big help in keeping me fit. Again, because of the sedentary lifestyle and all the study pressure, I ate a lot over the last year, and most of them were junk food and takeaways. Before I started swimming, I felt really insecure about my body, cos I’d got more belly fat than a twenty year old was supposed to. It doesn’t take long for me to realise that swimming is extremely effective when it comes to weight loss, because it brings the whole body into action, and it is so enjoyable that I don’t wanna leave the swimming pool at all. Believe it or not, I lost 2kg in less than two months; it was just aMAzing. œ As you can see, I love swimming, and I think it is something that can be continued for a lifetime.