英文儿歌:Mum and Dad and Uncle John

英文儿歌:Mum and Dad and Uncle John

2016-01-22    01'04''

主播: 陈小舒的儿歌和故事

9970 87

今天给大家分享一首简单的英文儿歌:Mum and Dad and Uncle John 这是一首Bouncing Song,就是可以抱着宝宝弹跳的儿歌 Mum and Dad and Uncle John Went to market one by one Mum fell off, weeeeee~~(放倒宝宝,往左边转半圈) Dad fell off, weeeeee~~(放倒宝宝,往右边转半圈) but uncle John went on and on and on and on 这首儿歌不需要音律,念就好了,非常容易。每次玩的时候,我女儿都咯咯笑,希望你的宝宝也会喜欢哦~