DAY 38. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(9) 收回自己的话 walk back

DAY 38. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(9) 收回自己的话 walk back

2017-02-21    02'49''

主播: 翻译活龙活现

66 1

DAY 38. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(9) 收回自己的话 walk back 欢迎收听活每日学英语!欢迎订阅,每日更新! 欢迎关注!原创微信公众号:wedotranslation;微博:翻译活龙活现;博客 讲解中出现的定义: : to retreat from or distance oneself from (a previously stated opinion or position) 讲解中出现的句子: 1. Try not to say anything in the primary campaign that you might need to walk back in the general election. 2. She has tried to walk back his suggestion about Japan, in particular, claiming in recent days that he “never said” that the Asian nation should acquire nuclear weapons.