DAY 39. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(10)-用手捂脸 face palm

DAY 39. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(10)-用手捂脸 face palm

2017-02-22    02'36''

主播: 翻译活龙活现

52 2

DAY 39. 活龙每日学英语-新词新语系列(10)-用手捂脸 face palm 欢迎收听活每日学英语!欢迎订阅,每日更新! 欢迎关注!原创微信公众号:wedotranslation;微博:翻译活龙活现;博客 讲解中出现的定义: : to cover one's face with the hand as an expression of embarrassment, dismay, or exasperation 讲解中出现的句子: 1. But her body language was not good from the start on Saturday. She face-palmed after missing one forehand early, then shook her head after another errant shot.